^ first: get used to NOT "lither" topics by re-quoting other posts (either edit or just refer with a 1-liner). If you can get me the throwing knife upgrade 3 unique I'd.I will be seriously grateful.I am not playing the game until I figure out a way to get it early.because it's so late.also your table was amazing.as it helped me unlock all the perks and I also use it to mess around with that upgrade trying to mimck a state where it's unlocked and bought in memory view by using the pointer for throwing knife.what I found is there about 5 pointer the easiest one to change ends with A8.but the game crashes instantly even after bypassing the checks.if only it had new game+ mode.I wouldn't have bothered so much Just need one thing the throwing knife upgrade 3.it unlocks so late in the game at sequence 7 mission 6.I have already unlocked the obsiden kukri by messing around in the table.what I truly want is throwing knife upgrade 3

also, guessing its uniqueID is probably not the right approach either. Sun 8:36 this item comes with the maharadja dlc, so you'll need that installed. (unless #translu happens to have a full list of all items at hand)

(and i've done some work in the past on this there is very little/no additional info to clarify/categorize each item as far as i checked).īottomline: fastest way to get it, is by simply playing that part of the game to collect it. => I can produce a list with all them inventory uniqueIDs, but that'll produce a very long list. Iow if you do an AOB scan on that byte string, you'll find it in memory if you do an 8 bytes search on 'FB065D4941000000' (reversed) you'll - probably - find several entries, among others the one you've found early on. > when you check the 'INIT', his routine searches items via "function unlock(bytes) bytes= "01000080".

This item comes with the maharadja dlc, so you'll need that installed.